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* Increasing your chances of getting accepted to medical school *

Medical School Admissions Advisors (MSAA) will maximize your chances of being accepted into your top-choice medical school.

We are a team of educational advisors from Pinnacle Educational Center and is an affiliate of Pinnacle Educational Center Admissions Advisors Group with over 15 years experience in the educational advisory business.  We understand the value of a U.S. medical degree (MD & DO) and the competitive nature of the admissions process.

We visit medicals schools through out the year to understand what the are looking for in applicants!

The diversity, knowledge-intelligence, practical medical school application experience gives our clients the competitive edge

We are not journalists, authors, or non-medical school-trained professionals!  We are actual MDs and DOs who have successfully completed the premedical courses, the medical school application process, attended medical school and truly understand what it takes to get accepted!

1.  Our medical school admissions advisors are MDs (Doctorate in Medicine) and DOs (Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine) who have personally experienced the medical school admissions process that you will be entering.  They have completed medical school training and can answer all your medical school and career-related questions from their own experiences. 

2.  Our senior advisor and admissions expert is Dr. Paul Reginald Lowe and our medical school admissions expert is Dr. Nadine Cartwright-Lowe.

Dr. Paul Reginald Lowe

Dr. Nadine Cartwright-Lowe

3.  Our consulting team consists of former medical school admissions committee members who thoroughly understand the competitive medical school admissions process.

4.  Our advisory team consists of current medical school students, medical school interns, residents and professors who provide us with cutting-edge knowledge medical schools and their post-graduate programs.

5.  Our medical school admissions advisors are qualified to provide you with professional guidance through the entire medical school application process -- not just preparing for the MCAT or proofing your personal statements and essays. 

6.  Our medical school admissions advisors complement and supplement the services provided by college pre-med advisers.  If your college does not provide pre-med advisers or you are a non-traditional applicant applying to medical school, we can help! 


  • College students who have started or about to start the application process.
  • Post-Baccalaureate premedical program applicants.
  • High school students interested in Combined BA/BS-MD Programs.
  • Re-applicants (applicants who have been rejected from medical schools).
  • Non-traditional applicants (college grads and out of school for several years).
  • Foreign doctors who seek admission to U.S. medical schools.


Medical school selection - determining how many applications you should submit, identifying the medical school that are most likely to accept you, locating the schools that represent the best fits for your background and interests, etc.

Candidacy assessments and probabilities - identifying your strengths and weaknesses and explaining how your strengths can be highlighted, weaknesses mitigated, and what overall impact of these characteristics will have on your chances.

Admissions Strategy - determining how you best differentiate yourself from other applicants, advising you on whether you should retake the MCAT given your GPA and the schools you have selected, etc.

Personal statements - advising you on what to say in your personal statements and essays, how to say it, and then reviewing them for content as well as grammar.

Interview preparation - advising you on what types of questions to expect given your background and the schools and program you have targeted and conducting intensive mock interviews.


  • Personal Assessment.
  • Hourly advising.
  • Interview Preparation & Skills Development.
  • AMCAS application review and support.
  • Secondary/Supplemental essay review and support.


A.  SINGLE CONFERENCE:  Our basic comprehensive admissions advisory service involves an on-site office or in-home consultation.  This consultation includes:
Review of current resume and profile. Review of academic transcript, AMCAS application and MCAT scores. Review of interests, activities, goals and achievements. Review of current as well as future academic curriculum. Development of student's personal resume and profile.  Assess medical school options based on our evaluation.Development of a list of target medical schools based on our evaluation.

Our Medical School Admissions Questionnaire (which is provided to you) should be completed prior to the meeting.  Clients should bring a copy of their resume, transcript (need not be official), AMCAS application (if applicable) and MCAT scores (if applicable). 

B.  CONTINUOUS COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE:  Our most comprehensive medical school admissions advisory service involves monthly home or in-site office ongoing consultations, unlimited e-mail, fax and phone correspondences, MCAT planning, mock interviews, recommendation review, application/essay analysis and review, coordination and consultation of on-campus visits.  For this exclusive service, we engage our physician association networks and alumni networks, our knowledge-intelligence based affiliates, and our wealth of extensive contacts and personal connections.

Our educational advisory services range from 1 session to 2 years.  Fees vary depending on type of and frequency of service.  Please call for details.

If you are interested in gearing up for the medical school admissions process or just brushing up on strategies, please visit: Medical School Admissions Boot Camps.  If you are interested in just your AMCAS application review or sprucing up your AMCAS application, please visit: Medical School Application Boot Camps.

C.  COMBINED COLLEGE/MEDICAL SCHOOL ADMISSIONS: This comprehensive service is offered to highly motivated and talented students who anticipate a career in medicine or medical science/research.  It is specifically for students who interested in applying to BA/BS-MD Programs.  These combined programs offer a unique opportunity to combine undergraduate education and professional studies in medicine into seven or eight years.

Our clients have been accepted to many of these programs including:

  • Brown University Warren Alpert School of Medicine (PLME)
  • Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (HPME)
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Albany Medical College
  • Boston University School of Medicine - Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program
  • University of Connecticut School of Medicine (SPiM)
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine - Guaranteed Admit Program
  • University of Rochester - Rochester Early Medical Scholars (REMS)
  • Rice University/Baylor College of Medicine - Medical Scholars Program
  • Siena-Albany Medical College
  • Penn State-Jefferson Accelerated Premedical-Medical Program


If you have been placed on the wait list of a particular school or schools, what do you do? 

MSAA can provide admissions strategies to help you be removed from the wait list and be admitted to a medical school.

Our Wait list-To-Acceptance Services include:

  • Evaluation with students and/or parents to assess needs/goals.
  • Evaluation of past failed strategies.
  • Assessment of the student's scholastic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Assessment of AMCAS application component during the admissions process.
  • Review of all educational records.
  • Evaluation and assessment of "what went wrong"
  • Development of a strategic waitlist or deferral admission plan.

Our clients retain us because they understand the competition to gain acceptance to medical school, understand the odds of acceptance, and want a competitive edge from EXPERTS!


You have been accepted into medical school.  Now what?  How do you finance it?

In 2013–2014, annual tuition and fees at public medical schools averaged approximately $31,783 for state residents and $55,294 for non-residents. At private schools, tuition and fees averaged $52,093 for residents and $50,476 for non-resident students. These figures do not include health insurance, housing, or living expenses.

At MSAA, we help students and families navigate the medical school financing process to enable them to pay tuition.

  • We educate you so they will know what questions to ask.
  • We help you better position yourself for financial aid.
  • We help you search for loans, scholarships and grants.
  • We assist you with financial aid forms and scholarship and grant applications


A.  In-person consultations: available in Connecticut, Westchester County, Manhattan, Long Island, Northern New Jersey, MetroBoston and Rhode Island. We provide convenient on-campus or in-home consultations. We schedule consultations around your hectic and busy lifestyle.  Seven days a week. Evenings and weekends!

B.  Phone and Skype consultations: available for national and international clients.

Email: info@medicalschooladmissionsadvisors.com 

Woodbridge: 203.387.1574 | Greenwich: 203.542.7288 | Manhattan: 212.829.4341 | White Plains: 914.705.5519 | Fort Lee: 201.490.1037